Why Write Newsletters? Keep Your Stakeholders in the Loop!

Collaboration is one aspect of Indirect Student Services defined by the ASCA National Model. School counselors can take proactive steps by educating school staff and families about what we do and how the students are different from having a school counselor in the building.  Regularly communicating with stakeholders is a crucial advocacy tool for your comprehensive school counseling program.

Spring School Counseling Newsletter Templates

Writing a newsletter can be one way to keep everyone informed about your school counseling program. Sending a newsletter home via email or printed copies is important for several reasons. Here are some of the benefits:

  • It is immensely beneficial to keep parents well-informed about all the exciting happenings within the program. This includes upcoming events, important announcements, and the exceptional services their students receive at school.
  • By fostering this effective communication, parents will undoubtedly feel more connected to the school counseling program and actively engage in their child’s education. This genuine connection can greatly enhance parental involvement and unwavering support.
  • Newsletters serve as a wonderful platform to share invaluable resources that further nurture their child’s development at home. Reinforcing what is learned at school can truly empower parents to play a pivotal role in their child’s growth and success.
Monthly school counseling newsletter templates

I intentionally make myself visible in the school community throughout the school year, whether it is Back-to-School Night, School Assembly, After School Meet& Greet, PTA meetings, Parent-Teacher Conference, or School Fundraising.   This helps me to connect with parents in different settings. Most parents know my name and who I am. This prompts them to reach out to me. Part of this connection comes from having regular communication with the parents via my monthly newsletter.

A monthly newsletter can be used with the school staff as well. From my End-of-Year Survey, I learned that the staff has become more aware of the counseling program from reading my regular updates. Collaboration goes so much easier.

There are several ways to send a newsletter to parents, staff, and other stakeholders. Here are some common methods:

1. Email: Sending newsletters via email is a quick and efficient way to reach parents and stakeholders. It allows for easy distribution and can include links to additional resources or websites. Most teachers have an email list of their students’ parents, and you may ask them to forward your newsletter or request to have the list to send your newsletters yourself. I use my school district’s communications system and can send my newsletter to all parents in bulk.

2. Printed Copies: I still send the students home printed copies of newsletters. This ensures that all families receive the information, regardless of their access to technology.

3. School Website: Posting newsletters on the school’s website allows parents and stakeholders to access them conveniently. It also provides an archive of past newsletters for reference.

4. Parent Portal or App: Many schools use a parent portal or app to communicate with families. Newsletters can be posted on these platforms for easy access.

5. Social Media: Some schools use social media platforms to share important updates and information, including newsletters. This can reach a wider audience and engage any active stakeholders on social media.

6. Text Messages: Sending brief updates or links to newsletters via text messages can be an effective way to ensure that important information reaches parents in a timely manner.

Editable school counseling newsletter template

Each method has its advantages. You can combine these approaches to ensure that newsletters reach all stakeholders effectively. Overall, sending a newsletter home can strengthen the home-school partnership and contribute to a positive and supportive learning environment for students.

In conclusion, connecting with others is definitely worth your time. It enriches our lives, expands our horizons, and allows us to make a difference. So, take the initiative, reach out, and connect with others. You won’t regret it.

You may download my FREE Editable School Counseling Newsletter Template to keep open communication with your staff, parents, and other stakeholders. It is a good way to spend advocating for your students and program. I would love to hear back about how your regular connections go and support your counseling program at your building.

Why Write Newsletters? Keeps Your Stakeholders in the Loop!